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Blog Articles

The Best Treatments for a Torn Tendon

A torn tendon can keep you off your feet, literally, while causing intense pain. Treatment for a torn tendon varies, based on factors such as the underlying cause and the severity of your symptoms.
Feb 23rd, 2021

When to Seek Treatment for a Sprain

If you’ve taken a spill and one of your joints suffered a hit, leading to pain and mobility issues, it’s likely you have a sprain. While some sprains improve without medical care, you don’t want to delay or skip any treatment you may need.
Jan 7th, 2021

Do Medications Help Sciatica?

Sciatica pain can be debilitating, bringing symptoms that flare up for weeks or months on end. While they aren’t the only treatment option, numerous medications can help.
Dec 9th, 2020

Why You Shouldn't Ignore Chronic Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain that keeps returning, or never goes away once it strikes, could be a sign that you have a medical condition in need of treatment. Regardless, you deserve greater comfort. Thankfully, most chronic pelvic pain conditions are treatable.
Nov 6th, 2020

How Your Weight Affects Your Joint Health

Your weight affects more than your clothing size. An unhealthy body weight can lead to a range of potentially serious health problems, including those that affect your joints.
Oct 12th, 2020

Signs You May Have Cervical Stenosis

Cervical stenosis involves compression in your upper spine. Once you have it, you might experience a range of symptoms, from numbness in your arms to pain in your arms and neck. Learn more about these signs to see if medical care may be in order.
Sep 1st, 2020

Recognizing the Signs of a Compression Fracture

Compression fractures can cause a range of symptoms and complications, from mild pain to severe deformity. Because the condition is progressive, early diagnosis and treatment go a long way toward preserving your well-being and quality of life.
Aug 17th, 2020

5 Risk Factors That Can Lead to a Herniated Disc

Herniated discs can be unpredictable and painful. They can happen to anyone, but certain people have a higher chance of slipping a disc than others. What are the risk factors, and can they be controlled?
Mar 9th, 2020

Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine

Struggles to get to the clinic? Trying to reduce your exposure to COVID-19, as well as other contagious illnesses, and still need to see your doctor? Telehealth is safe and easy — receive quality care from anywhere.
Feb 20th, 2024