A Weak Core, Poor Posture, and Chronic Back Pain: How Are They Connected?

Your back has been aching or throbbing off and on or consistently for some time. Are your weak core and poor posture to blame?
Chronic low back pain is common, bothersome, and worthy of proper care. And while some cases stem from a medical condition that needs treatment, others can be rectified — or at least lessened — by lifestyle changes.
With his team at Yancey Pain & Spine in Houston and The Woodlands, Texas, interventional pain specialist Dr. William Yancey treats chronic back pain to not only relieve pain, but restore any lost height, function, and stability.
Let’s delve into weak core muscles, poor posture, and back pain — including how they’re linked and how to turn it all around.
Core weakness and chronic back pain
Your core includes the muscles in the central part of your body, including your hips, pelvis, abdomen, and lower back. When your core muscles are weak, you have a harder time staying balanced and steady on your feet.
Your physical activities, from walking to playing sports, also rely on a strong core. When you can’t stay balanced or nimble, you hold a greater risk of injuries that can damage your spine, leading to ongoing pain.
Weak core muscles also fuel lower back pain by keeping you in a forward-leaning position when you use your spine. That, in turn, places undue pressure and strain on your back.
Poor posture and chronic back pain
Poor posture, whether caused by weak core muscles or your daily habits, fuels chronic back pain by creating imbalances, too. Poor posture also leads to excessive pressure on various parts of your spine, spurring pain as well as stiffness in your back.
The worst postures for your back include slouching or slumping forward, standing with more weight on one leg than the other, and lifting heavy objects by bending your back instead of your knees.
What to do about your chronic back pain
If you’re struggling with chronic back pain, meaning your symptoms have lingered for at least three months, professional care is important. In our office, Dr. Yancey and his team can conduct a comprehensive exam to pinpoint the underlying cause of your symptoms.
A weak core and poor posture can worsen other potential causes of chronic low back pain, including vertebral compression fractures, osteoporosis, spinal stenosis, and herniated discs,
Chronic back pain that starts in your lower back and radiates down one leg is known as sciatica.
Once your own cause has been determined, Dr. Yancey recommends a customized treatment plan, which may include:
- Oral or injected medication
- Physical therapy
- A minimally invasive procedure
- Spinal cord stimulation using a neuromodulation device, such as BurstDR™ therapy
Dr. Yancey can also recommend lifestyle changes, such as strengthening exercises and posture changes, to minimize your symptoms. He may also suggest using an ergonomic device, such as a stand that keeps your computer at eye level, to improve your posture.
Learn more about core weakness, poor posture, and back pain or get the care you need by calling your nearest Yancey Pain & Spine location in Houston or The Woodlands, Texas. You can also use our simple online booking tool to request an appointment with Dr. Yancey.
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